
I moved to Bobcaygeon in late 2020 and decided to start a blog about the town and my new life here. Not the greatest time to showcase either, but why not make the best of it? Since I don’t know many people here, this will start out about the places I go and people I meet along the way.

I have many interests: Crafts, photography and food. I love cooking and will have plenty of recipes. As for crafts, if you see one that I have made and would like me to do a tutorial, drop me a line and I will put one up.

NOTE: I will be posting products I love. I am not being paid to do this and they have never asked me to do so. I just believe in promoting great food or products that I come across. Mostly because I end up being disappointed with things I have bought.

UPDATE 2023: It has now been just over 3 years that I have lived here and have met so many wonderful people. Bobcaygeon really is a great place to live. I will try to be more active in promoting the town and local events in the near future. If you have an event or any news you would like me to post, let me know by contacting me here.

Please do not use my photographs for any reason without permission. I retain all rights to them.